
Henry Zonio on Family Ministry

I read a really interesting post on Family Ministry here today.

His thoughts are things I've also been thinking about and mulling over. What we do with our time at Mosaic can only add to what children are learning from their parents, teachers, mentors, relatives and siblings. But, I loved what he said here:

"While family ministry programs and systems and initiatives and whatever else you might want to add are good, I don’t believe they are the answer. We, as ministry leaders, need to model for our community that church is more than just a building… that worship is more than just a church service… that everyone in God’s family is a minister and needs to be doing ministry in the greater community together as families… that all parts of our lives need to be lived out as worship… that wherever we are, we are carry the image of God as lives transformed by the Holy Spirit…"

This is something I think we are trying to teach our kids at Mosaic... something we're attempting to live out together. Super encouraging.


Team 3 - June 1st


Julie H
Jacky S
Steven S
Charissa & Brenna

Gabrielle N
Ryan R
Lauren R
Amia F

Shannon N
Krysta H

image from: http://www.metro.co.uk

Mosaic Kids Needs

I posted a little list of needs on the sidebar to the right. Just a few things we could use right now.

On top of the list: BABY GATES

We need 2 baby gates for our area downstairs. Kids are super curious people and a few are extra curious and tend to venture where they ought not. If you have a baby gate or two that you are not using, would you think about donating it to us?



Scot McKnight's Prayer for the Week

After our chat tonight about the Holy Spirit and the Trinity, I stumbled onto this prayer over at Jesus Creed. Enjoy.

"Almighty and everlasting God, you have given to us your servants grace, by the confession of a true faith, to acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity, and in the power of your divine Majesty to worship the Unity: Keep us steadfast in this faith and worship, and bring us at last to see you in your one and eternal glory, O Father; who with the Son and the Holy Spirit live and reign, one God, for ever and ever. Amen."

Mosaic Mamas

We are gathering again this Tuesday, May 20th.

And thanks to everyone helping with the kids! We now have it covered!

This week we'll be hearing from our own Willow Weston. She rocks. Come on down to the Atkins' on Tuesday morning at 10am and join in the fun!

As for all of you Moms - What do you think of our time together so far? How is God speaking to you? We'd love to hear your thoughts.

image from allposters.com.

Volunteers Needed

We are currently looking for one person to work with 2s and 3s and two people to work with 4-9 year olds. If you are interested in helping on Sundays every 4-6 weeks, send me an e-mail at carla@mosaicnw.com.



This week - May 18th

Eric J
Jessika W - sub?
Jon D - sub Hilary E
Erin H - sub Jacky
Betty S

2 & 3s
Brett B
Katie B
Madison S


see you for set up at 4:15

image from: http://www.metro.co.uk

Kids Volunteers Needed this Sunday - May 18th

Hi everyone!

We have several people on this weekend's kids team that will be out of town Sunday. Anyone who could help out with the 4-9 year olds on Sunday would be greatly appreciated. We will also need some help with set-up, which begins at 4:15 at the Majestic. E-mail Carla at carla@mosaicnw.com if you can help!




"'All God's children got rhythm. That's the way God made us.'
Life reflects that rhythm. Sleeping & waking. Work & rest. Going to school & earning a living. Gathering as a community to worship God, being nurtured in faith & going out to shape others.
The rhythm in God's design is seen through the trajectory of growth from infancy to early childhood, from middle childhood to youth, & on to adulthood. As we minister to children we must respect, and adjust to, the rhythm of the child's development."

from Children Matter: Celebrating their Place in the Church, Family and Community

I'm reading this excellent book on kids. Today, I ran across this quote and thought it fitting. It's encouraging to know that "rhythm" is part of the way God made us. As we attempt to live our rhythms of Beautify, Listen, Eat, Study, & Send together each week, we are attempting to live out and express part of how God created us.
I was also challenged by the concept of observing the rhythms of children as they grow, & learning to minister within those rhythms. Good Stuff. Thoughts?

image from Amazon.com at above link.


A note to Current Mosaic Kids Volunteers

In case you missed the e-mail:

Your commitment to your team actually ends at the end of June. What I would like to do is keep you on these teams through the end of the year with the option to opt out at the end of June. So, if your schedule has changed, if you’re moving or have summer commitments, or if working with the kids just isn’t working for you, please reply to this e-mail and let me know that your June Sunday will indeed be your last Sunday. I will need to start filling your spots. If I don’t hear from you, I will keep you on the schedule, and your July dates are already posted (below). Thanks everyone!!

I appreciate you all more than I can express!

Kids Teams - July Schedule

Team 2 - July 6
Team 3 - July 20
Team 4 - August 3

image from Sarah Parrott on flickr.

Kids Teams - May/June Schedule

Here's the recap. See the posts below if you're unsure which team you're on (or e-mail me).

Team 2 - May 18
Ski to Sea - May 25
Team 3 - June 1
Team 4 - June 8
Team 1 - June 22

image from kriegs on flickr.

Team 1 - June 22nd

Ages 4-9

Ethan L
Hilary E
Joanne S
David G
Matt & Elinor

Ages 2-3

Kelli G
Shaun P
Laura A


Hannah A
Andrea G

See you at 4:15 for set-up

image from: http://www.metro.co.uk


Ivy Beckwith on Missional Children's Ministry

I came across this quote today and thought I would share it. I think it captures part of what we're trying to teach kids at Mosaic. It's also a good reminder to keep at it. I want to make sure that when I'm planning lessons for our kids, I remember to plan time for us to "do what people who follow Jesus do." Please share your thoughts!

"Children’s Ministries should be about forming people who love God and follow Jesus. One way to keep this and coming generations outwardly focused is to provide a missional context in the church and, more specifically, in those programs and opportunities directed to
ward children. Faith communities desiring to form children who participate in God’s kingdom work will be faith communities who care more about works of peace and justice, who care more about “doing what people who follow Jesus do” than about attracting large numbers through glitzy programs and providing a “holy huddle” for those who are on the inside. When children see an ethos of mission modeled for them by parents, church leaders, and other significant adults they can be transformed to live in the way of Jesus as they begin to understand their responsibilities to the world and other people God created in the holy image."

Ivy Beckwith

Ivy Beckwith is the author of Postmodern Children's Ministry. She also speaks and consults churches on issues of childhood spiritual formation and children's ministry in the local church.
You can find more info about her here.

image from amazon.com here.

quote found here.


Mosaic Mamas

We are still looking for a couple of people to help us with kids on May 13th and May 20th (both Tuesdays). If you happen to be free from 10 am to 12 pm on Tuesdays, would you let us know?


As for all of you Moms - I hope you had a blast this past Tuesday hearing from Misha, hearing from God and other women. If you weren't there, you missed out! Come this Tuesday, the 13th at 10am. We're at the Atkins' house. E-mail Carla for directions at carla@mosaicnw.com.

image from allposters.com.

Team 4 - June 8th


Carla C
Rob & Willow
Brian R
Blake H
Allison K

Meghan V
Ben F
Tammy B

Amy G
Lori M

image from: http://www.metro.co.uk/fame/article.html?in_article_id=49646&in_page_id=7

Team 3 - June 1st


Julie H
Jacky S
Steven S
Charissa & Brenna

Gabrielle N
Ryan R
Lauren R
Amia F

Shannon N
Krysta H

image from: http://www.metro.co.uk

Team 2 - May 18th

Eric J
Jessika W - sub?
Jon D - sub?
Erin H - sub?
Betty S

2 & 3s
Brett B
Katie B
Madison Smith

Adriana M Phillips
Ann McEvoy

image from: http://www.metro.co.uk


Matt Was Right

It was New Mexico.

Sorry, Matt, we all thought you were talking about the Mormons in Texas. it's difficult to keep our cult scandals straight these days.

So, why Kaleidoscope?

Many of you may be wondering about the title of this blog (the rest of you are now wondering why you should be wondering about it.)

Well, check out the sidebar - over there on the right. I've compiled some definitions of the word "kaleidoscope" that I enjoy and that I really feel capture what we're about at Mosaic Kids.

A Kaleidoscope is like a kids' version of a Mosaic. It's a toy, for one. It's constantly changing. These two things just scream "kids!" Also, it exemplifies the same concept of lots of small pieces, bits, and fragments coming together to make something beautiful. The tagline for Mosaic is "beautifully broken pieces coming together to form a work of art." Likewise, the meaning of the word kaleidoscope is derived from the Greek kalos, eidos, and skopos; meaning beautiful, form, and view, respectively, or "beautiful-form-to-see." The only way to see it though, is to hold it up to a light. When the light shines through, you see the children of God, formed together into one beautiful picture. Sounds like a Mosaic to me.

Happy Mother's Day

I have a GIFT for all of you moms of Mosaic. This week, this very Sunday, our schedule is changing. We are going to try a new experiment. The kids, if you haven't noticed... eat quickly. They are then quite anxious to leave the table. So, we're going to let them! Halfway through the meal, your kids will be dismissed to their classes downstairs this week. The older kids will return for the last couple of songs and Communion! We really value having the children as part of our worshipping comuunity and we want them to know it. We feel like bringing them up at the end of our gathering will serve this purpose in an even greater way than having them with us at the very beginning when they are, well, shall we say excited?

Bonus: Extra, kid-free chatting time at your table.


Team 1 - This Sunday, May 11th

Ages 4-9

Ethan L
Hilary E
Joanne S
David G
Matt & Elinor

Ages 2-3
Kelli G
Shaun P
Ben F

Hannah A
Andrea G - Sub, Tammy B

See you at 4:15 for set-up

image from: http://www.metro.co.uk

Mosaic Mamas

Don't forget!

Mosaic Moms are meeting starting NOW!

Tuesdays in May
At the Atkins house (you can e-mail me for directions at carla@mosaicnw.com)

Childcare is provided.

Come join the fun!

image from allposters.com