The Kids at Mosaic have spent the summer learning about our
rhythms through the book of John. Let me tell you, it's been awesome!
We started out learning hand motions to the 5 rhythms. Ask your kids if they know them, because it's pretty neat to watch them say the rhythms and be excited by them!
B - First we learned about
BEAUTIFY through the story of
John 9, where Jesus heals a blind man. We talked about how this act by Jesus brought beauty to this man's life! He allowed him to see the beautiful world and his parent's faces for the first time. By healing his blindness, Jesus made this man's life so much more beautiful. As a response, we spent a few moments
LISTENING to God and asking Him to show us someone
we could bring beauty to. We then made cards, flowers, and special things to give to those people. This was so cool! The kids heard from God and thought of people who might be lonely or hurting, and then did something special to bring that person joy. Read more about it
L - Next, we spent a night learning about
LISTENING to God. We looked at
John 10 where Jesus says, "My sheep
listen to my voice, I know them, and they follow me." Perfect, right? We learned that we listen to God, the Bible, and our parents and teachers also. We also spent a few moments in silence before God! Then, we blindfolded ourselves and stuck cotton balls onto a sheep on the wall, with the guiding voice of a volunteer "shepherd." We learned that this game was much easier with the help of the shepherd than it would have been without!
E - This one might have slipped under the radar. We spent the next week at Broadway Park,
EATING together, enjoying each other, playing, and having a great time with our community. Read more about it
here. The way we talk about the rhythm of EAT with the kids is that we "eat together and make friends."
S - Next we took on
STUDY, with
John 11. We read the story of Lazarus and talked about what we can learn about Jesus from this story. That's what the rhythm of
study is all about! We learned that Jesus is God, Jesus can heal people, Jesus can make dead people alive again (He gives life to people), Jesus
loves his friends, Jesus is sad when his friends are hurting, Jesus can do anything! And then, we split up into our groups and gave each group 2 rolls of toilet paper. They had to turn one of their teammates into a Lazarus - wrapped in grave clothes! This was SO much fun. My only regret is that I didn't bring my camera!
S - Then, just last night we talked about the rhythm of
SEND. Jackson H. read to us out of
John 12, where Jesus enters Jerusalem. We talked about the story, had a little review of Lazarus, and talked about what Jesus says right after this (teaching context to kids, how crazy is that?) - Jesus goes on to tell His disciples that He must die. We used this to open up the conversation about how God
sent Jesus to us, and Jesus has
sent us to love and live just as He did. YEAH! That's all 5. We then made some really awesome magnets with the word "B.L.E.S.S" on them so that your family can put them up on the fridge and talk about the rhythms together. Like this one:
So, what's next?
Next week, Delia will be sharing out of
John 13, where Jesus and His disciples are in the Upper Room, just before He dies. This story has all 5 rhythms in it! So, the children will be looking for those and will be reviewing what they have learned about Communion. And I will be in Maui! Yeehaw!!