Most of us think Thanksgiving is about giving thanks and being thankful for what we have. But I think sometimes, it’s about giving because we’re thankful.
Here's a glimpse at our lesson for the Elementary kids yesterday:
Do you think that having a lot of things makes us thankful?
God has everything – He’s rich! He’s probably very thankful. But God isn’t just thankful for what he has. His thankfulness turns into giving, and sharing what he has with all of us! God gave us His Son, Jesus, and Jesus gave his whole life for us!
Story of Paul & the Ephesus friendsThere was a guy in the Bible named Paul. He knew Jesus. He knew all about what Jesus did for people. Can anyone name something that Jesus did for someone? Paul saw that living like Jesus was the right way to live. So, he wanted to live like Jesus and to teach other people how to live like Jesus too! There is a story about Paul in the book of Acts. Paul made some best friends in a place called Ephesus. How many of you have best friends? Paul spent 3 years with them! It’s like hanging out with the same people every day from first grade all the way to third grade. They were best buds. But he had to move away, so he had to say goodbye. Paul told his friends how they could live for God, since he was leaving. He said, “Live like I do! I always helped you whenever I could. So help those in need, because it’s better to give than to get!” Acts 20:35
Paul didn’t just SAY he was thankful for his friends. He lived with thankfulness, by giving to his friends. This is how we can LIVE a thankful LIFE. It’s easy for us to say what we are thankful for. But God’s Thanksgiving doesn’t mean that we JUST say what we’re thankful for, but that we GIVE because we are thankful for what he has given us.And give we did. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Thanksgiving baskets yesterday! I'm sure there are some very thankful families in Bellingham this Monday morning. And hopefully they'll be able to give... a little more patience to their kids, or a smile to their neighbor... because they're thankful.
Maybe we should call it
Thanks and Giving.