We had a GREAT night last night at Mosaic Kids. We're using John to teach the kids our Mosaic rhythms right now. (read more about the rhythms
We started out learning hand motions to the 5 rhythms a few weeks ago. Ask your kids if they know them, because it's pretty neat to watch them say the rhythms and be excited by them!
So, last night, we read the story of Jesus healing the blind man in John 9. Then, I talked to the kids about how by doing this, Jesus brought beauty to this man's life! He allowed him to see the beautiful world, and grass, and his parent's faces for the first time. By healing his blindness, Jesus made this man's life so much more beautiful.
The Bible is a great way for us all to learn what God is like. In it, we see Jesus, who lives these five rhythms we have adopted at Mosaic. To quote my
From the window of the rhythm of study we learn of the God who beautifies the outcast, listens to the lowly, eats with the sinner and sends the unexpected. The outcome would be that as we become better ‘studiers’ of God and his mission we become better ‘doers’ of that mission.
We did this last night with the children. We read about Jesus
beautifying the life of the begging blind man, an outcast in his community. And as a response, we spent a few moments
listening to God and asking him to show
us a lonely, sad, or hurting person in our life, whose life
we could make more beautiful. After listening, we made cards, flowers, notes, and other creations to give away. We talked about how we are to be like Jesus, and with
His help we can light up the world (John 9:5), and bring beauty to those around us.
It was so precious to see the children listening to God, loving others and thoughtfully creating something to B.L.E.S.S. another.
If you weren't able to join us last night, this is something you could easily do together as a family. So, those of you who were there, make sure to chat with your kids and to help them deliver their beautiful creations. Those of you who missed us still have a chance to lead your children to love and follow Jesus in this way. A great way to verbalize what it means to "beautify" someone's life is: to do something good or nice that makes someone smile. What a great way to beautify someone's life together!