

9:30-11:30 am

a time to hang out with other moms around a discussion.

If you'd like to be contacted with locations and other pertinent info, send me an e-mail and I'll make sure you are on the contact list!

image from allposters.com.


So, I have this handy dandy widget from Amazon.com over to the right. it is full of recommendations. Feel free to browse through there when you're looking for books and music for your kids. On top of that, I'm choosing to highlight a couple today though that I really think you should have on hand.

And for music, it's Seeds Family Worship.

They write all of their songs straight out of the NIV text. And they're really tastefully done! So, it's music you won't mind listening to as a family, and your kids will come away from it with scripture memorized. Pretty cool.

image from here.

Buy This Book!

Many of you purchased this Story Bible after I recommended it. And it's awesome, so you made a good choice there.

But, if you've read through this one and are looking for another, try the Big Picture Story Bible by David Helm (Author), Gail Schoonmaker (Illustrator).

It is equally awesome.

from Amazon.com:

Product Description Rather than simply retelling the most familiar short scenes from the Bible, this book presents the big picture the unified story running through the Old and New Testaments. This delightful book will help children learn the Bible's whole story and begin to appreciate the fulfillment of God's promise to his people. The Big Picture Bible Story Book is perfect for parents to read to their children, and eventually, for children to read on their own. It is an excellent way to introduce them to a book that will guide them through all of life.

The themes it traces are simple, and super encouraging to me as well! They are as follows:

God has always wanted a place for his people. And He wants to be their King.

We consistently doubt God's goodness
We choose to disobey God's words
We don't let God be our King - instead, we rule the world in evil ways

The book follows these themes throughout the big picture of scripture to reveal how God makes it right again.

So, pick this one up for your family. You can buy it locally at the Christian book store in town, or order it online from the link above.

And, if you haven't bought either one, you can buy them together on amazon.com for $27.18. Not a bad price for some good theology for your little ones.

images from amazon.com

Jesus is the Road to God

Sunday we studied John 14:1-11, as did the adults upstairs. Delia led the charge and led the kids through a discussion centered around Jesus as the "way, the truth and the life."

This is a slightly difficult concept for kids... and adults. I was comforted by Eugene Peterson's translation in the Message - that Jesus is the road to God. He is the path we take to find our way home to God the Father. That's where Jesus was going... and someday "God’s dwelling place [will be] among the people, and he will dwell with them." Rev 21.3 TNIV. We will find our home in God too. Just as Jesus was "in the Father" and the Father in Jesus (John 14.11) - we will share this same intimacy. And we can have it now, as we will learn this Sunday, through the Holy Spirit.

Jesus is the way that leads us to learn the truth about God and he is the way that brings the life of God to people. Jesus is the only one who can show us what is true and lead us into God’s life – a life where we act like God.

And we're glad John wrote these things "that you may believe​​ that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God,​ and that by believing you may have life in his name." (John 20.31)

image from Igor Alecsander on flickr.


This Sunday - September 21st

It's Party Time!

Come join us as we celebrate year two of Mosaic!!!

Depot Market at 5pm.

Dinner is provided, but bring a salad or dessert to share, and your beverage of choice (if you're over 21, beer or wine is cool). We'll have games for the whole family, live bands, and lots of time to celebrate all that God has done this past year in and through our community.


Beautiful Idea!

Since we're learning about Loving our neighbors...

I thought I'd share this idea I just found for a beautify project that you can easily do with young children. Read all about it here. This mom decided to make "happy fortunes" with her children and then place them around town where they would be found by people, perhaps needing a smile. They wrote things like:

God Loves You
You are Beautiful
God thinks you are great

You could call them "Beautiful thoughts," "Beauty notes," "Tiny blessings," or whatever you think would help communicate to your kids what you are doing and why. Try it! And then tell us all about it!

image from here

Preschool Ministry Update

Our preschoolers have begun having lessons during their class time at Mosaic.

So far they have learned:

Love One Another (from John 13)
Jesus Loves Everyone (from John 4)

We are learning that Jesus loves people that are hard to love, and that Jesus wants us to love and help other people! They have really enjoyed making crafts during their class time!


Ethan Rocks!

This past Sunday Ethan taught your kids and did an amazing job. We followed up last week's lesson on Loving One Another.

The kids made a list of different ways that they can love people at school, at home, at Mosaic, etc. They had some great ideas!! They listed helping others who are hurt, giving smiles and hugs, making art for Mosaic and for others, sharing toys, learning, listening, and much more.

Then, they chose someone at Mosaic to do something loving FOR. They got to choose the type of creation they wanted to make, or they wrote notes or made coupons good for future blessings.

It was a great morning and I had a great time worshipping with the rest of you upstairs!

image from here


October Team Schedule

October 5th - Team 1
October 12th - Team 2
October 19th - Team 3

****unsure of which team # you are on? See the list below***

image from mattingham on flickr.

Quote of the day

"In the end, it’s not about who is right and who is wrong. It is about broken images of God reaching out to other broken images of God and pointing them to the one who can make them whole again. We can’t do that from the inside of a clubhouse."

This was written by Henry Zonio in this post. You should go read the whole thing!

I was inspired, after reading this, to again think about how we at Mosaic are on the right track. We are definitely not perfect, as individuals or as a community. But, as the quote suggests, we are broken people, broken images of God, reaching out to the one who can make us whole again. May we love one another, and love our neighbors as ourselves so that, as John 13:35 says, people will look at us and recognize that we look like Jesus, that they may come to him and be transformed.

image from

Love One Another

"I give you a new command. Love one another. You must love one another, just as I have loved you. If you love one another, everyone will know that you are my disciples." I John 13:34-35

Yesterday, we learned about loving each other at Mosaic Kids. I used the three items in the photo above to teach them "Love.One.Another." We hid them around the room, went to find them, and then we got to shout, "Love.One.Another" over and over.

But, what does that mean? And what does it mean to love each other like Jesus loved us?

For that, we had a little experience together. I wanted the kids to understand HOW Jesus loves them. So, I told them that if they could memorize all of John 13:34-35 in 2 minutes, we would have a PARTY with cookies, prizes, and balloons. Wow, did that get them excited. So, I wrote the verses on the white board, turned it around and gave them two minutes. But it was too hard. No one could repeat it. We couldn't have the party. You should have seen their faces and heard their pleading!

Instead, I went on to talk about how Jesus served his disciples in John 13 by washing their feet. This was a story the children knew from a previous lesson. We talked about how Jesus washed their feet even though they were stinky. We talked about how Jesus died on the cross for us even though it was hard. And that's how Jesus wants us to love others. We talked about how Jesus loves us even though we aren't perfect. He loves us even though we don't always obey our parents, we don't always get the right answer, and we don't always obey God, either. And that's why, even though we didn't get the right answer during our Bible memory quiz.... we get to have a party anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's how Jesus loves us. He lavishes His grace and kindness upon us, even though we can do nothing to earn or deserve it. He invites us to His party, even though our feet are stinky. And that's how he wants us to love each other. He asks that we love, even when it's difficult, even when people are imperfect, even if they don't smell very nice. And it comes with a promise: when we love like he loves, we will look like him, and people will see it.

May it be so.

What team am I on?

So, since I usually post the team rotation only by team number, I thought I'd list out who's on what team (an updated list!)

Team 1:
grades K-4
Carla C
Ethan L
Joanne S - set up
David G
Matt & Elinor M - clean up

Preschool (3s-young 5s)
Kelli G
Laura A
Rose S - set up

Babies, 1s & 2s
Hannah A - set up
Andrea G - clean up

Team 2:
grades K-4
Maluhia - set up
Tanya - clean up
Garrett - clean up
Charissa & Brenna - set up
Betty - set up

Preschool (3s-young 5s)
Brett B
Katie B
Madison S

Babies, 1s & 2s
Adriana P - clean up
Alison - set up

Team 3:
grades K-4
Julie H - clean up
Jacky S - set up
Gordon N - set-up
Brad S - set-up
Steven S - set up

Preschool (3s-young 5s)
Amia F - clean up
Gabrielle N - set up
Erin H - set up

Babies, 1s & 2s
Shannon N - set up
Krysta H - clean up

Team 4:
grades K-4
Delia B
Rob & Willow W - set up
Ian M
Amanda A

Preschool (3s-young 5s)
Meghan V - set up
Jason H - clean up
Lauren R - set up

Babies, 1s & 2s
Lael A - clean up
Drew F - clean up

image from Dom Dada on flickr.

This Week - Sept 14th - Team 3

Grades K-4
Julie H - clean up
Jacky S - set up
Gordon N - set-up
Brad S - set-up
Steven S - set up

Ages 3-4
Amia F - clean up
Gabrielle N - set up

Babies, 1s & 2s
Shannon N - set up
Krysta H - clean up


Kids Teams - August/September Schedule

August 3rd - Team 4
August 10th - Team 1

September 7th - Team 2
September 14th - Team 3
September 28th - Team 4

image from aperryz302 on flickr.


Our Kids!

Brand New Preschool Program!

This Sunday, your kids might go to a new class. The new class breakdowns are as follows:

Baby Room = Babies, 1s and 2s
Preschoolers = 3s to young 5s (pre-K)
Elementary room = grades K thru 4

We are super excited to be launching a new Preschool program. It has been a desire for over a year! We know your little ones love to sing songs, play games, laugh, learn and make things. Now they will get to, all the while, learning that:

God loves Me
God Made Me
Jesus Wants to be my Friend Forever

We are looking at using this curriculum. I think it's going to be fun!!!

image from here

Up Next - Team 2 - September 7th

Grades K-4
Maluhia - set up
Tanya - clean up
Garrett - clean up
Charissa & Brenna - set up
Betty - set up

Ages 3-4
Annette - set up
Madison - set up

Babies, 1s & 2s
Adriana - clean up
Lori - set up

Set up team - please arrive at 9:15

See you Sunday!