
Big Picture Story Bible

I've recommended this Story Bible before, but felt it was worth mentioning again!

It's the Big Picture Story Bible by David Helm (Author), Gail Schoonmaker (Illustrator).

It is awesome and I highly recommend it - for kids of all ages!

from Amazon.com:

Product Description Rather than simply retelling the most familiar short scenes from the Bible, this book presents the big picture the unified story running through the Old and New Testaments. This delightful book will help children learn the Bible's whole story and begin to appreciate the fulfillment of God's promise to his people. The Big Picture Bible Story Book is perfect for parents to read to their children, and eventually, for children to read on their own. It is an excellent way to introduce them to a book that will guide them through all of life.

The themes it traces are simple, and super encouraging to me as well! They are as follows:

God has always wanted a place for his people. And He wants to be their King.

We consistently doubt God's goodness
We choose to disobey God's words
We don't let God be our King - instead, we rule the world in evil ways

The book follows these themes throughout the big picture of scripture to reveal how God makes it right again.

So, pick this one up for your family. You can buy it locally at the Christian book store in town, or order it online from the link above.

And, if you haven't purchased the Jesus Storybook Bible, you can buy them together on amazon.com for $27.18. Not a bad price for some good theology for your little ones.

images from amazon.com

Communion Questions

As I mentioned earlier, I found some questions here to use when leading children in Communion. I thought this was a super idea and would be very useful in helping the children to understand more about what Communion is all about and why we practice it together. I adapted the questions I found and came up with the following four:

Q Why do we remember Jesus?
A Because he was sent from God and he gave up his life for us on the cross. God raised
him from the dead so that we might see that death is not the end, but the beginning of a new life, the life Jesus showed us how to live.

Q Why do we use bread?
A Because Jesus took bread at the Last Supper. It is a sign of Jesus body that was given up to die for us.

Q Why do we use wine?
A Because this wine is a sign of Jesus' saving love, through his blood, poured out for us when he died on the cross.

Q Why do we come to his table for Communion?
A He invites us because he accepts us. We are his people and we share in his
heavenly life.

We used three of these on Sunday and it went very well! I chose three children to read the questions aloud. The child would read the question, and then I would respond with the answer. After all three questions were read and responded to, I lead us in a prayer for our time of Communion. Then we headed upstairs! It was great, and I look forward to using these again.

April/May Team Schedule

March 29th - Team 3

April 5th - Team 4
April 12th - Easter - Team 1 for shortened story time
April 19th - Team 2 - beautify Sunday and Kids' PARTY downstairs
April 26th - Team 3

May 3rd - Home Parties
May 10th - Team 4
May 17th - Team 1
May 24th - Ski to Sea Sunday!
May 31st - Team 2

image from idahostudios on flickr.


This Week - March 29th - Team 3

Grades K-4
Julie - clean up
Jacky - set up
Emily - clean up
Brad - set up

Ages 3-4
Amia - clean up
Meg M - set up

Babies, 1s & 2s
Drew & Lael - clean up

Set up team - please arrive at 9:15

See you Sunday!

image from: http://www.metro.co.uk


Eucharistic Prayers

I found a helpful list of questions to ask before giving the blessing prayer as we head to Communion. I thought these would be super helpful in getting the kids prepared to join their parents for Communion. I plan to adapt them, and come up with a few of my own, and begin using them in the coming weeks!

Preambles before the Eucharistic Prayer

This might be a set of biddings or reasons for giving thanks, spoken by children or others, before the opening dialogue. Jewish-style questions and answers such as the following might be compiled, perhaps to echo the theme of the service. A child might ask the questions, which the president or deacon might answer, and not all questions need be attempted every time.

Q Why do we give thanks and praise to God?
A Because he has created all that is, and he has given us life. He is Lord of all, and yet loves each of us.

Q Why do we remember Jesus?
A Because he was sent from God and he gave up his life for us on the cross. God raised
him from the dead so that we might see that death is not the end, but the beginning of a new life, the life Jesus showed us how to live.

Q Why do we use bread?
A Because Jesus took bread at the Last Supper. It is a sign of Jesus feeding us as we hare with others around his table.

Q Why do we use wine?
A Because this wine is a sign of Jesus' saving love, poured out for us when he died on the cross.


Q Who are we remembering and who is here with us?
A Jesus Christ the Lord who lives today.

Q Why do we take this bread?
A To show that his body was given up to death for us.

Q Why do we take this wine?
A To show that Jesus shed his blood for our sins.

Q Why is there one loaf and one cup?
A Because we are one family; we belong to each other like the parts of a body.

Q Why do we come to his table?
A He invites us because he accepts us. We are his people and we share in his
heavenly life.

Q For how long will Christians celebrate like this?
A Until Jesus comes to take us to be with God in heaven.

Whatever happens, the actions, style and approach of the president, while being accessible to children, should make clear that the Eucharistic Prayer which follows is addressed to God, in whose presence it is right to be filled with awe. The sense of mystery should not lose out to a chatty educational or instructional approach.

I really like these! I'm thinking that as the kids line up downstairs, I will choose two children to each read a question, which I will answer. I will follow this up with a prayer of blessing for Communion before we head up!

source: http://www.cofe.anglican.org/worship/liturgy/commonworship/texts/newpatterns/notes/children.html

image from here


Children and Lying

A helpful post and link list for parents dealing with lying habits in their children. Click here!

Middle School Gathering - This Sunday - March 15th

Middle School Meeting

this Sunday!

Stay tuned for details
(or e-mail Carla)

Up Next - March 22nd - Team 2

Grades K-4
Maluhia - set up
Charissa & Brenna - set up

Ages 3-4
Brett - set up
Katie - set up
Madison -

Babies, 1s & 2s
Sam & Heidi

Set up team - please arrive at 9:15

See you then

image from: http://www.metro.co.uk

Mosaic Middle School!

Check out these awesome Mosaic Pieces: